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Landvættirnar fjórar


Landvættirnar fjórar --- 2022-10-28

Chapter 33 of the Saga of Ólafur Tryggvason in Heimskringla by the 13th-century writer and poet Snorri Sturluson describes the fury of the settlers of Iceland when the then king of Denmark, Haraldur Gormsson, confiscated all the sheep of a few Icelandic men who were shipwrecked in Denmark. According to Snorri Sturluson, a law was passed in Iceland that each and every person in Iceland should compose a níðvísa (a poem of mockery) about the king of Denmark for this reason. The king of Denmark, having suffered the consequences of this enchanted mockery, decides to send a sorcerer to swim over to Iceland in the form of a whale. However, in every corner of the land he is met by strange creatures known as wights or land wights, the landvættir, that hinder his quest. From the east lumbers a poison-spewing dragon or giant lizard, trailed by swarms of reptiles and amphibians. Out of the north hurtles a massive vulture or other large bird, bringing flocks of smaller birds. A giant ox leads a herd of wights that drives the sorcerer away from the west, and a towering giant heads the wights that bar entry to the south. Since then, Iceland has taken to these wights and expresses gratitude on every coin minted in Iceland. Some say they represent the four gospels; others say that they represent older signs of astrological significance. Still others suggest that they are representatives of the four elements. credits In loving memory of Ljós and Guðmundur Róbert Recorded at Sundlaugin Studio This project is supported by Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Education Artist Salary Fund’s Music Fund (Starfslaun listamanna) and the Music Funds special Covid-relief program (átaksverkefni Tónlistarsjóðs). Our gratitude is bottomless. Also thanks to Davíð Brynjar Franzson, Sam Pluta, Jeff Snyder, Jonathan Pfeffer, Travis Johns, Neskirkja, Mengi, Aðalheiður and Alþýðuhúsið Siglufirði, Katelin Marit Parsons, Þorlákur Benjamín Guðmundsson, Sangitamiya, Alee Karim, Claudia Overesch and Kjartan Sveinsson.

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Dreki 1. Stig

Dreki 2. Brölt

Dreki 3. Tölt

Gammur 1. Skrið

Gammur 2. Stökk

Gammur 3. Valhopp

Griðungur 1. Brokk

Griðungur 2. Skref

Griðungur 3. Skrölt

Bergrisi 1. Rölt

Bergrisi 2. Skeið

Bergrisi 3. Fet


Carrier Records

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson