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Amadeus Voices (The Most Beautiful Sounds In The World)


Amadeus Voices (The Most Beautiful Sounds In The World) --- 2011-02-18

Credits on last page of the booklet : 發行:金革科技股份有限公司 發行人:鍾俊榮 企劃統籌:林伯杰 企劃與版權執行:施迪文、孔亞蘭 撰文:許慧懿、徐鵬博、林侑儀、施迪文、高浩涵 總校:林綉閔 設計完稿:金革創意設計部 音源後製處理:孫仲舒 圖像提供:環球國際唱片股份有限公司 科藝百代股份有限公司 華納國際音樂股份有限公司 馬雅音樂有限公司 印刷:琦華科技印刷有限公司 地址:新北市中和區中正路736號八棟9樓 網址: 全省免付费服務電話:0800-031-360

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Touching Love = 戀人絮語

Summer Snow = 夏之雪

Se = 如果

Parla Piu Piano = 悄悄告訴我

The Girl Looking Into Me = 女郎凝望著我

River Of Light = 光之河

Danny Boy = 丹尼男孩

Tears In Heaven = 淚灑天堂

You Raise Me Up = 你鼓舞了我

Hosanna = 和撒那(歡呼之聲

I Knew I Loved You (Deborah’s Theme) = 註定的愛

Don’t Cry For Me Argentina = 阿根廷別為我哭泣

Quello Che Faro (Sara Per Te) = 一切為你

The Summer Wind = 夏日微風

Plaisir d’Amour = 愛之喜悅

Quizas, Quizas, Quizas = 也許、也許、也許

Beautiful Mind = 美麗境界

Luna = 月神

Time To Say Goodbye = 告別的時刻

Amazing Grace = 奇異恩典

Sailing = 啟航

Terra Promessa = 應許之地

Like An Angel Passing Through My Room = 就像穿過房間而來的天使

Now We Are Free = 自由

Nocturne = 夜曲

Try To Remember = 試著回憶

When I Fall In Love = 墜入情網

Life Goes On = 人生頌歌

Moon River = 月河

Agnus Dei = 羔羊經

Abide With Me = 與我同在

Angelo(Angels) = 天使Un

Aria = 生命禮讚

Adiemus = 阿迪瑪斯

Streets Of Philadelphia = 費城大街

Far Away = 遙遠歌聲

Shima-Uta = 島歌

Ceu Da Mouraria = 摩拉里亞的天空

"Si Un Jour" (Theme From 'Jean de Florette') = 要是你不在身邊

Salade de Fruits = 水果沙拉

Song Of Dreams = 美夢成真

El Vuelo = 飛翔

I Wonder As I Wander = 曠野暝思

Only Time = 唯有時間

America = 亞美利加

My Reason = 理由

Surrender / The Wonder Of You = 放任/你的奇蹟

Caledonia = 古蘇格蘭

Pure = 純真天籟

Flower Duet = 花之二重唱

Mambo Italiano = 義大利曼波

The Last Rose Of Summer = 夏日最後的玫瑰

Gymnopedie No.1 = 裸足之舞

Vedi Maria = 看啊,瑪麗亞

Sanctus = 聖樂卡農

A Love So Beautiful = 多美麗的愛

Over the Rainbow = 彩虹之外

Elle, Lui, Nous = 她、他、我們

Alfama = 阿法瑪

A Living Prayer = 虔誠祈禱

Bassiak Le tourbillon = 漩渦

La Bigoudine = 高帽子

The Sound Of Silence = 沉默之聲

Eternal Flame = 永恆的火焰

Son = 青春詠嘆

Like A Dream = 如夢似幻

Music Of The Night = 夜半歌聲

Rossignolet Du Bois = 森林裡的夜鶯

Ave Maria (Bach - Gounod) = 聖母頌 (巴哈-古諾)

Perhaps Love = 也許愛情

The Very Thought Of You = 真的好想你

Twin Peaks Theme = 雙峰主題曲

Your Love (Theme From Once Upon A Time In The West) = 你給的愛

Pretty Lady = 窈窕淑女

J’ai Cueilli La Belle Rose = 摘下一朵玫瑰

Ddwyfol Iesu (Pie Jesu) = 頌讚耶穌,改編自佛瑞「安魂曲」

Going Home = 念故鄉

Benedictus = 迎主讚美曲

Winter Blues = 冬日藍調

Même = 如果你不愛我

Rose = 玫瑰心情

Dreaming = 夢想

Vermeer’s Astronomer = 梅維爾的天文學家

When He Cometh = 當主回來

Immortal, Invisible = 無形的永恆

Maybe I’m Amazed = 也許我該驚訝

Pierced = 十字架

The Oak Tree = 橡樹

Come Thou Fount = 萬福恩源

The Rose = 玫瑰

A Thousand Tongues = 萬口歡唱

He Was Beautiful = 他多美麗

Since I Fell For You = 自我愛上你

They Say It’s Wonderful = 他們說愛是美好的

A Woman In Love = 戀愛中的女人

When In Rome = 入境隨俗


Jingo Records

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson