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Stadtlandfluss Live


Stadtlandfluss Live --- 2009-07-03

Two unedited live versions of the studio album "Stadtlandfluss" by Klangwart which was originally released on Staubgold in 2008 (staubgold 80 CD/LP). Recorded at Wien Modern Festival (Vienna, Austria), 30 November 2007, and Mini Midi Festival (Beijing, China), 2 May 2008. Since 1999, Klangwart (Markus Detmer and Timo Reuber) have been experimenting at their concerts with a limited pool of sounds and loops (developed and compiled by Timo). From this, the two generate the concert piece "Stadtlandfluss" in real time, which they have been (re-)creating as a continuous experiment for many years. Thus "Stadtlandfluss" is a "work in progress". Little of what's happening within the piece is determined. Dynamics range from "very quiet" (minimal, subtle, harmonious, finely honed) to "extremely loud" (harsh, raw, pure energy). The piece is in a state of permanent flux, it changes from performance to performance ā€“ depending on the acoustics of the place, the physical and mental state of Klangwart and the audience. No two concerts sound the same.


Live In Vienna

Live In Beijing



See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson