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Interview --- 1998

Comes in a cardboard sleeve. (p) Circa Records Ltd. (c) Circa Records Ltd. This Label copy information is the subject of Copyright Protection. All Rights Reseved. 1998 Virgin Records Ltd. Printed in the EU

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Tell Us About The Album - Did The Album Exist Before The Title Or Did The Title Exist - It's 'Mezzanine'

What Other Titles Were In The Frame For It, Was There Anything Else

Where Did You Actually Record This

And How Long Did It Take

Didn't You Do Quite A Bit Of Writing In Cornwall

Does That Actually Effect The Sound Of The Album Like The Technology And The Frustrations It Causes

It Must Be Difficult To Be Organic

So How Long Were You In Cornwall For And What Actually Went On

Was This Like A Conscious Decision, Were You Genuinely Just Not Getting On With Each Other And Just Needed Space

Who Actually Does The Writing - I've Never Been Quite Sure Who Does What

What Do You Each Bring In Individually

How Important Is The Lyrical Content Of The Song And How Much Of It Is The Atmosphere In The Music Of It

And You Say Group 4 Came Out Of Cornwall As Well, Explain The Concept

This Is Liz Frazer From The Cocteau Twins

So This Was Obviously A Fairly Difficult Album, Was This More Difficult To Record Than Anything Else You've Done Before

What Were The Problems You Were Having To Deal With, Was It Like Not Getting On And Not Liking The Music You Were Making Or Is It Just Coming To Terms With Being Older And What You Were Going Through As Individuals

Did You Find That You Suddenly Had To Get More Serious And Kind Of Play The Game More As A Band Like You Had To Go On Tour And You Had To Release The Album, Did That Kind Of Complicate It

Did That Freak You Out When You Realised You Had To Do That

Do You Look For Other People To Work With As Well, Is That Something That Keeps You Interested And Keeps You Exited About The Music You're Making Like 'OK What Can We Do Next Who Can We Work With Next'

What Was It Like Working With Her

When You Actually Finished The Album, When Was The Time You Listened To It As A Complete Album

Tell Us The Story About The Bibles That Appeared During The Recording Of 'Mezzanine' Is That True - I Read About It Somewhere

Do You Not Get Bored By Your Own Record Collections

Tell Me About Inertia Creeps, Is It A Particularly Personal Song

Is It Carthartic For You To Write These Lyrics, And You Do Write Them For Yourselves Or Do You Write For Other People To Appreciate

You Didn't Work With Nellee Hooper On This Album At All, Did You Miss Him

You Have Such A Huge Long List Of Credits On Your Albums Like People Who Have Been Involved With You, Are There Alot Of People On This One As Well Or Is It Much More Narrow Or Defined

Do You Like The Album 'Mezzanine' - G

Something I Read In An Interview D, You Were Saying That When You Think Back To 1989/90 You Think Of Sunshine And Happy Times, So This Is Gonna Be The Bleak Days

Do You Still Enjoy Being In Massive Attack

Can You See Yourselves In Their Positions In Any Point In The Future

Mushroom, Do You Like This Album

What's Your Favourite Track On The Album

I Think Dissolved Girl Is One Of My Favourite Tracks On The Album Her Voice Is Fantastic She Sounds Like An Awful Lot Of Other People, What's That Track About

Aside From Making Your Own Records, You Also Have The Label Melankolic, How Many Artists Have You Got Signed To Melankolic Now

Where Do You Find These People, Lewis And Craig

How Much Do You Get Involved

You've Worked With Liz Fraser Now And You Wanted To Work With Her Six Years Ago, Who Else Is There Still That You Want To Work With

Tell Us About The Madonna Story - How Long Did It Take To Meet Here While You Were There


Wild Bunch Records

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson