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Be Thou Now Persuaded - Living In A Shakespearean World


Be Thou Now Persuaded - Living In A Shakespearean World --- 1999

"Remastered in Rhinophonic Authentic Sound" Also included are an 80-page book with essays on Shakespeare's life and times, an overview of Elizabethan theatre, synopses of the featured plays and poems, and complete transcripts of Volumes 1-4. All Original Recordings produced under license from Caedmon/Harper Audio, except certain titles under license from Naxos AudioBooks, HNH International Ltd., or from Sony Music Special Products, a Division of Sony Music, a Group of Sony Music Entertainment Inc.; or courtesy of BMG Music/The RCA Records Label, under license from BMG Special Products; or courtesy of NBC.

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Volume 1: To Be...


Good Day, Good Day (Troilus And Cressida; Act III, Scene III)

Good Morrow To This Fair Assembly (Much Ado About Nothing; Act V, Scene IV)

Good Morrow, Ajax (Troilus And Cressida; Act III, Scene III)

Good Morrow, Sweet Hal (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act I, Scene II)

Who's There? (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene I)

God Save You Sir John! Welcome, Ancient Pistol (The Second Part Of King Henry IV; Act II, Scene IV)

Good Day And Happiness, Dear Rosalind (As You Like It; Act IV, Scene I)

Signior Romeo Bon Jour (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene IV)

Good Morrow, Uncle Pandarus / Good Morrow, Cousin Cressida (Troilus And Cressida; Act I, Scene II)

Good Morrow, Kate (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act I, Scene II)

Good Morrow, Fair Ones (As You Like It; Act IV, Scene III)

Good Morrow, Benedick (Much Ado About Nothing; Act V, Scene IV)

Good Morrow, Cuz / Good Morrow, Sweet Hero (Much Ado About Nothing; Act III, Scene IV)

Welcome, Dear Rosencrantz And Guildenstern (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

Good Morrow, Neighbor Baptista / Good Morrow (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act II, Scene I)

How Does My Good Lord Hamlet? (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

Gentlewoman, Good Day! (The Two Gentlemen Of Verona; Act IV, Scene IV)

Good Morrow, Brutus (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene I)

All Hail, Caesar, Good Morrow, Worthy Caesar (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene II)

Good Morrow Antony (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene II)

Good Morrow / Ay, And Good The Next Day Too (Troilus And Cressida; Act III, Scene III)

Our Human Actions

O For A Muse Of Fire (The Life Of King Henry V; Act I, Scene I)

O Brave New World (The Tempest; Act V, Scene I)

What A Piece Of Work Is Man (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

All The World's A Stage (As You Like It; Act II, Scene VII)

Life's But A Walking Shadow (Macbeth; Act V, Scene V)

They Kill Us For Their Sport (King Lear; Act IV, Scene I)

Man Proud Man (Measure For Measure; Act II, Scene II)

Some Vicious Mole Of Nature (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene IV)

The Web Of Our Life (All's Well That Ends Well; Act IV, Scene III)

The Quality Of Mercy Is Not Strained (The Merchant Of Venice; Act IV, Scene I)

To Thine Own Self Be True

Our Remedies Oft In Ourselves Do Lie (All's Well That Ends Well; Act I, Scene I)

Hath Not A Jew Eyes? (The Merchant Of Venice; Act III, Scene I)

I Will A Round Unvarnish'd Tale Deliver (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act I, Scene III)

I Am Not What I Am (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act I, Scene I)

I Edgar Nothing Am (King Lear; Act II, Scene III)

Oh What A Rogue And Peasant Slave Am I (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

Herein Will I Imitate The Sun (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act I, Scene II)

Banish Plump Jack, And Banish All The World (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act II, Scene IV)

I Have Of Late (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

It Is A Melancholy Of Mine Own (As You Like It; Act IV, Scene I)

There Was A Star Danced (Much Ado About Nothing; Act II, Scene I)

He Is All Mirth (Much Ado About Nothing; Act III, Scene II)

I Am That Merry Wanderer Of The Night (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act II, Scene I)

Where The Bee Sucks, There Suck I (The Tempest; Act V, Scene I)

A Born Devil (The Tempest; Act IV, Scene I)

A Man Or A Fish? (The Tempest; Act II, Scene II)

For Her Own Person, It Beggar'd All Description (Antony And Cleopatra; Act II, Scene II)

O, How That Name Befits My Composition (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act II, Scene I)

Vaulting Ambition, Which O'erleaps Itself

Thou, Nature, Art My Goddess (King Lear; Act I, Scene II)

Can I Do This, And Cannot Get A Crown? (The Third Part Of King Henry VI; Act III, Scene II)

Come, You Spirits (Macbeth; Act I, Scene V)

King And Country

Once More Unto The Breach, Dear Friends (The Life Of King Henry V; Act III, Scene I)

This Other Eden (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act II, Scene I)

Mine Honor Is My Life (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act I, Scene I)

Honor Is A Mere Scutcheon (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act V, Scene I)

I Would Give All My Fame For A Pot Of Ale And Safety (The Life Of King Henry V; Act III, Scene II)

Sweet Comedy And Mirthful Comic Shows

I Am Not Only Witty In Myself (The Second Part Of King Henry IV; Act I, Scene II)

I Am A Great Eater Of Beef (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act I, Scene III)

Here Comes Romeo (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene IV)

Didst Thou Ever See Me Do Such A Trick? (The Two Gentlemen Of Verona; Act IV, Scene IV)

I Can Compare Our Rich Misers (Pericles; Act II, Scene I)

Wherefore, Sweetheart What's Your Metaphor (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act I, Scene III)

In The Secret Parts Of Fortune? (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act II, Scene II)

Motley's The Only Wear (As You Like It; Act II, Scene VII)

Wast Ever In Court, Shepherd? (As You Like It; Act III, Scene II)

This Fellow Is Wise Enough To Play The Fool (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act III, Scene I)

Sirrah, You Were Best To Take My Coxcomb (King Lear; Act I, Scene IV)

What Madness Rules In Brainsick Me

It Hath Made Me Mad (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene I)

O What A Noble Mind Is Here Overthrown (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene I)

Away! The Foul Fiend Follows Me! (King Lear; Act III, Scene IV)

Out, Damn'd Spot! (Macbeth; Act V, Scene I)

O Fool, I Shall Go Mad (King Lear; Act II, Scene IV)

The Lunatic, The Lover And The Poet (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act V, Scene I)

Volume 2: Love's Labors

Beauty's Ensign

Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred? (The Merchant Of Venice; Act III, Scene II)

Beauty Itself Doth Of Itself Persuade (The Rape Of Lucrece; Lines 29-30)

God Bless My Ladies! Are They All In Love (Love's Labour's Lost; Act II, Scene I)

O She Doth Teach The Torches To Burn Bright (Romeo And Juliet; Act I, Scene V)

If With His Tongue, He Cannot Win A Woman (The Two Gentlemen Of Verona; Act III, Scene I)

Fair Katherine, And Most Fair (The Life Of King Henry V; Act V, Scene II)

Good Morrow, Kate (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act II, Scene I)

Was Ever Woman In This Humor Woo'd? (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act I, Scene II)

She Lov'd Me For The Dangers I Had Passed (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act I, Scene III)

The Honorable Lady Of The House, Which Is She? (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act I, Scene V)

Love Me! Why, It Must Be Requited (Much Ado About Nothing; Act II, Scene III)

Come Woo Me, Woo Me (As You Like It; Act IV, Scene I)

This Bud Of Love (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene II)

The Very Flame Of Love

Love Is A Spirit All Compact Of Fire (Venus And Adonis; Lines 149-50)

Perdition Catch My Soul, But I Do Love Thee (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act III, Scene III)

Give Me To Drink Mandragora (Antony And Cleopatra; Act I, Scene V)

Come, Night, Come, Romeo (Romeo And Juliet; Act III, Scene II)

O Coz, Coz, Coz (As You Like It; Act IV, Scene I)

I Am Giddy (Troilus And Cressida; Act III, Scene II)

How Now, My Love! (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act I, Scene I)

What Angel Wakes Me From My Flowery Bed? (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act III, Scene I)

Do Not You Love Me? (Much Ado About Nothing; Act V, Scene IV)

How Sweet The Moonlight (The Merchant Of Venice; Act V, Scene I)

Love-Sick Love

I Am Your Spaniel (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act II, Scene I)

My Idolatrous Fancy Must Sanctify His Reliques (All's Well That Ends Well; Act I, Scene I)

O Phebe, Phebe, Phebe! (As You Like It; Act II, Scene IV)

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act I, Scene I)

Like Patience On A Monument (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act II, Scene IV)

Sweet Silent Hours Of Marriage Joys

Now Fair Hippolyta, Our Nuptial Hour (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act I, Scene I)

This Dear Encounter (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene VI)

Does Thou In Conscience Think (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act IV, Scene III)

I Am Not Adriana Nor Thy Wife (The Comedy Of Errors; Act II, Scene II)

Dwell I But In The Suburbs Of Your Good Pleasure? (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene I)

In My Heart's Core

Like To A Double Cherry (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act III, Scene II)

Give Me That Man That Is Not Passion's Slave (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene II)

To You, Antonio (The Merchant Of Venice; Act I, Scene I)

Between The Child And Parent

His Good Report Should Have Been My Son (Coriolanus; Act I, Scene III)

Call You Me Daughter? (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act II, Scene I)

I Am Wild In My Beholding (Pericles; Act V, Scene I)

You Gods, Look Down (The Winter's Tale; Act V, Scene III)

I Think This Lady To Be My Child Cordelia (King Lear; Act IV, Scene VII)

Drown'd With Grief

If By Your Art (The Tempest; Act I, Scene II)

I Know Not Seems (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene II)

Grief Fills The Room Up Of My Absent Child (The Life And Death Of King John; Act III, Scene IV)

O, That This Too Too Solid Flesh (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene II)

Ah, My Young Princes (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act IV, Scene IV)

Volume 3: Hot Blood

Bitter Business

I Say, We Will Have No More Marriages (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene I)

All Is Lost; This Foul Egyptian Hath Betrayed Me (Antony And Cleopatra; Act Iv, Scene XII)

Thou Subtle, Perjur'd, False Disloyal Man! (The Two Gentlemen Of Verona; Act IV, Scene II)

The Man That Hath No Music In Himself (The Merchant Of Venice; Act V, Scene I)

Who Will Believe Thee, Isabel? (Measure For Measure; Act II, Scene IV)

To Curse Awhile

I Know How To Curse (The Tempest; Act I, Scene II)

Abhorred Slave (The Tempest; Act I, Scene II)

All The Infections That The Sun Sucks Up (The Tempest; Act II, Scene II)

I Would Thou Didst Itch From Head To Foot (Troilus And Cressida; Act II, Scene I)

How Long Is't Ago, Jack, Thou Sawest Thine Own Knee? (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act II, Scene IV)

What, My Dear Lady Disdain! Are You Yet Living? (Much Ado About Nothing; Act I, Scene I)

Dizzy-Eyed Fury And Great Rage Of Heart

Good Sister, Wrong Me Not (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act II, Scene I)

A Lunatic Lean-Witted Fool (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act II, Scene I)

Stay, Dog, For Thou Shalt Hear Me (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act I, Scene III)

What's The Matter, You Dissentious Rogues (Coriolanus; Act I, Scene I)

Signior Antonio... You Have Rated Me (The Merchant Of Venice; Act I, Scene III)

O Goneril! You Are Not Worth The Dust (King Lear; Act IV, Scene II)

Hear, Nature, Hear Dear Goddess, Hear! (King Lear; Act I, Scene IV)

Blow Winds And Crack Your Cheeks (King Lear; Act III, Scene II)

Mad Devil Of Jealousy

I Hate The Moor (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act I, Scene III)

Inch-Thick, Knee-Deep (The Winter's Tale; Act I, Scene II)

I Had Been Happy (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act III, Scene III)

Heady Murder, Spoil And Villainy

Draw Thy Tool! (Romeo And Juliet; Act I, Scene I)

I Am Fortune's Fool (Romeo And Juliet; Act III, Scene I)

Vengeance Is In My Heart (Titus Andronicus; Act II, Scene III)

Out, Vile Jelly! (King Lear; Act III, Scene VII)

I Am Not In The Giving Vein Today (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act IV, Scene II)

Is Thy Name Tyrrel? (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act IV, Scene II)

What Would You Undertake (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act IV, Scene VII)

Great Glamis! (Macbeth; Act I, Scene V)

If It Were Done When 'Tis Done (Macbeth; act I, Scene VII)

Is This A Dagger I See Before Me (Macbeth; Act II, Scene I)

I Have Been Studying (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act V, Scene V)

It Is The Cause (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act V, Scene II)

Now Might I Do It Pat (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene III)

Confounding Shame And Guilt

O My Offense Is Rank (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene III)

Give Me Another Horse (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act V, Scene III)

Give Me Your Pardon, Sir (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act V, Scene II)

I'll Be Wise (The Tempest; Act V, Scene I)

Volume 4: Or Not To Be...

Supernatural Solicitings

Now The Hungry Lion Roars (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act V, Scene I)

When Shall We Three Meet Again (Macbeth; Act I, Scene I)

So Foul And Fair A Day (Macbeth; Act I, Scene III)

Double, Double Toil And Trouble (Macbeth; Act IV, Scene I)

Thou Shall See Me At Philippi (Julius Caesar; Act IV, Scene III)

O My Prophetic Soul! (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene V)

Sweet Remembrancer (Macbeth; Act III, Scene IV)

What Dreams May Come

O Sleep, O Gentle Sleep (The Second Part Of King Henry IV; Act III, Scene I)

Sleep No More! (Macbeth; Act II, Scene II)

I Have Not Slept (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene I)

She Dreamt To-Night (Julius Caesar; Act II, Scene II)

What Was Your Dream? (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act I, Scene IV)

When My Cue Comes, Call Me And I Will Answer (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act IV, Scene I)

O, Then, I See Queen Mab Hath Been With You (Romeo And Juliet; Act I, Scene IV)

I Fear, Too Early (Romeo And Juliet; Act I, Scene IV)

We Defy Augury (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act V, Scene II)

Of Graves, Of Worms, Of Epitaphs

I Have Lived Long Enough (Macbeth; Act V, Scene III)

We Have Heard The Chimes At Midnight (The Second Part Of King Henry IV; Act III, Scene II)

It Smells Of Mortality (King Lear; Act IV, Scene VI)

All That Lives Must Die (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene II)

How Long Hast Thou Been A Grave-Maker? (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act V, Scene I)

Engrossing Death

Come Away, Come Away, Death (Twelfth Night; Or, What You Will; Act II, Scene IV)

Be Absolute For Death (Measure For Measure; Act III, Scene I)

If I Must Die (Measure For Measure; Act III, Scene I)

Of Comfort No Man Speak (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act III, Scene II)

To Be Or Not To Be (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act III, Scene I)

Strange Cases Of Death

Nothing In His Life Became Him Like The Leaving It (Macbeth; Act I, Scene IV)

Lay On Macduff (Macbeth; Act V, Scene VIII)

The Bloody Dog Is Dead (The Tragedy Of King Richard III; Act V, Scene IV)

O Harry Thou Hast Robbed Me Of My Youth (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act V, Scene IV)

Cut Me To Pieces (Coriolanus; Act V, Scene VI)

I Kill'd Not Thee With Half So Good A Will (Julius Caesar; Act V, Scene V)

And Smote Him, Thus (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act V, Scene II)

Howl, Howl, Howl, Howl! (King Lear; Act V, Scene III)

The Rest Is Silence (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act V, Scene II)

I Am Dying, Egypt, Dying (Antony And Cleopatra; Act IV, Scene XV)

I Have Immortal Longings In Me (Antony And Cleopatra; Act V, Scene II)

Falstaff He Is Dead (The Life Of King Henry V; Act II, Scene III)

Ah, Dear Juliet, Why Are Thou Yet So Fair? (Romeo And Juliet; Act V, Scene III)

O Happy Dagger! This Is Thy Sheath (Romeo And Juliet; Act V, Scene III)

Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun (Cymbeline; Act IV, Scene II)


Our Revels Are Now Ended (The Tempest; Act IV, Scene I)


Little Helen Farewell (All's Well That Ends Well; Act I, Scene I)

Farewell Master Farewell Farewell (The Tempest; Act II, Scene II)

And So Farewell Katharina (The Taming Of The Shrew; Act I, Scene I)

Farewell Sweet Play Fellow (A Midsummer-Night's Dream; Act I, Scene I)

Poor Jack Farewell (The First Part Of King Henry IV; Act V, Scene IV)

Farewell, Doll; Farewell, Good Wenches (The Second Part Of King Henry IV; Act II, Scene IV)

Farewell, Old Gaunt (The Tragedy Of King Richard II; Act I, Scene II)

Sweet Valentine, Adieu (The Two Gentlemen Of Verona; Act I, Scene I)

Farewell, My Desdemona (Othello, The Moor Of Venice; Act III, Scene III)

Bid Them Farewell Cordelia (King Lear; Act I, Scene I)

Farewell Kind Charmian, Iras Long Farewell (Antony And Cleopatra; Act V, Scene II)

Adieu; Farewell My Wife, My Mother (Coriolanus; Act IV, Scene I)

Farewell Ophelia (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act I, Scene III)

Sweets To The Sweet Farewell (Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark; Act V, Scene I)

Honest Nurse, Farewell (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene V)

Farewell Brutus (Julius Caesar; Act V, Scene I)

Farewell Cassius (Julius Caesar; Act V, Scene)

A Thousand Times Good Night (Romeo And Juliet; Act II, Scene II)

Disc 5: Romeo And Juliet

Act I, Scene I

Act I, Scene II

Act I, Scene III

Act I, Scene IV

Act I, Scene V

Act II, Scene I

Act II, Scene II

Act II, Scene III

Act II, Scene IV

Act II, Scene V

Act II, Scene VI

Disc 6: Romeo And Juliet

Act III, Scene I

Act III, Scene II

Act III, Scene III

Act III, Scene IV

Act III, Scene V

Act IV, Scene I

Act IV, Scene II

Act IV, Scene III

Act IV, Scene IV

Act IV, Scene V

Act V, Scene I

Act V, Scene II

Act V, Scene III


Rhino Word Beat

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By Kyle Larson