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Télkergető - Közép-Európa Farsangja = Fasching In Mitteleuropa = Carnival In Central Europe


Télkergető - Közép-Európa Farsangja = Fasching In Mitteleuropa = Carnival In Central Europe --- 2003

A VASAS Együttes táncosai, "A 'Télkergető' tágabb hazánk népeinek zenéjéből merít, szinte azt mondhatnám, magába öleli annak közel valamenyni népét, amelynek sorsa egy évezred vérzivataros történelme során közös volt és folyamatosan hatott egymásra. Aki ezt a közös hangot megszólaltatja, Szvorák Katalin, a magyar és a vele együtt élő minden népzenéjének leghivatottabb művészeti tolmácsa. Amit hallanak, tekintsék ezer év zenéje csokrának, szeressék együtt és külön-külön minden ékes virágszálát. S fogadják Szvorák Katalintól, aki a csokrot szedte és átnyújtja Önöknek ajándékul, illő szeretettel." - Göncz Árpád I once had the privilege of being invited to a concert Kati was giving in her home outside Szentendre. Tamas, her husband, showed us around their home which was full of stunningly beautiful folk art objects; paintings, carvings and the like. These had no doubt been gifts and purchases from the village folk where they had collected and researched the folk music that you will hear on this release and Kati's other work as well. Listening to this music now reminds me of that night, each of the songs being a beautiful work of art from those villages. Ian Morrison From CD notes: 'Winter Chasing draws from the music of the peoples of our country in the widest sense of the word. I could almost say, it embraces nearly all the peoples with a common fate during its thousand-year-old disastrous, bloody history who have influenced each other musically. Katalin Szvorak, who gives expression to this common tone, is a highly competent, artistic interpreter of the music of the Hungarians and all the peoples living with them. May you regard the music you hear as a bunch of flowers made of the music of thousand years and love it both as a whole and each of its precious flowers separately. And accept it with proper love from from Katalin Szvorak who has gathered the bunch and presents it to you now.' Árpád Göncz Sung in Hungarian, Slovak, German, Moravian, Armenian, Czech, Gypsy and Croatian.

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Ma Vagyon Farsang Híres Napja


Za Nuno Bališo (Cigány / Gipsy)





Dúsgazdag Siralma








A Macskának Kesely Lába

Gakavik (Közismert Örmény Tavaszi Dal / Well-known Armenian Spring-greeting Song)

Ezek A Szép Szász Leányok




Hungaroton Classic

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson