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The Messiah

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First Part

Accompagnato (Tenor) : Comfort Ye My People

Aria (Tenor) : Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted

Chorus : And The Glory Of The Lord

Accompagnato (Basse/Bass) : Thus Saith The Lord

Aria (Basse/Bass) : But Who May Abide

Chorus : And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi

Recitativo (Alto/Alt) : Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive

Aria (Alto/Alt) : O Thou That Tellest

Chorus : O Thou That Tellest

Accompagnato (Basse/Bass) : For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth

Aria (Basse/Bass) : The People That Walk In Darkness

Chorus : For Unto Us A Child Is Born


Recitativo, Accompagnato (Soprano/Sopran) : There Were Shepherds

Chorus : Glory To God In The Highest

Aria (Soprano/Sopran) : Rejoice Greatly

Recitativo (Soprano/Sopran) : Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind

Aria (Soprano/Sopran) : He Shall Feed His Flock

Chorus : His Yoke Is Easy

Second Part

Chorus : Behold The Lamb Of God

Aria (Alto/Alt) : He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men

Chorus : Surely The Hath Borne Our Griefs

Chorus : And With His Stripes We Are Healed

Chorus : All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray

Accompagnato (Tenor) : All They That See Him

Chorus : He Trusted In God

Accompagnato (Soprano/Sopran) : Try Rebuke Has Broken His Heart

Arioso (Soprano/Sopran) : Behold And See If There Be Any Sorrow

Accompagnato (Soprano/Sopran) : He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land

Aria (Soprano/Sopran) : But Thou Dist Not Leave His Soul

Chorus : Lift Up Your Heads

Recitativo (Tenor) : Unto Which Of The Angels

Chorus : Let All The Angels Of God

Aria (Alto/Alt) : Thou Art Gone Up One High

Chorus : The Lord Gave The Word

Arie (Soprano/Sopran) : How Beautiful Are The Feet / Their Sound Is Gone Out

Aria (Basse/Bass) : Why Do The Nations

Chorus : Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder

Recitativo (Tenor) : He That Dwelleth In Heaven

Aria (Tenor) : Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron

Chorus : Hallelujah

Third Part

Aria (Soprano/Sopran) : I Know That My Redeemer Liveth

Chorus : Since By Man Came Death

Accompagnato (Basse/Bass) : Behold I Tell You A Mystery

Aria (Basse/Bass) : The Trumpet Shall Sound

Recitativo (Alto/Alt) : Then Shall Be Brought To Pass

Duetto (Alto/Alt, Tenor) : O Death Where Is Thy Sting

Chorus : But Thanks Be To God

Aria (Soprano/Sopran) : If God Is For Us

Chorus : Worthy Is The Lamb

Chorus : Amen

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson