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The Ode Less Travelled - Unlocking The Poet Within

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How To Listen...

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 3

Chapter1: Metre

How We Speak


Meet Metre

The Great Iamb

Poetry Exercise 1

How Did You Do?

End-Stopping Etc.

Let's Hear The Byron


Shall I Compare...

Robert Browning

Poetry Exercise 2

Weak Endings...

The Most Obvious Example...

Why Not Nine Syllables ... ?


One More Inversions...

When Rubens Was A Young Man...

Poetry Exercise 3

More Metres

Six Feet Give Us A Hexameter ...

There Are Very Few Examples ...


We Can Do The Same Thing With Kiplings ...

Four Beats To The Line ...

Emily Dickinson ...

Now Listen To The Following ...

Mixed Feet ...

Here Is A Well Known Couplet ...

We've Seen Two Non-Hybrid ...

Poetry Excercise 4

Turnery Feet

I Suppose The Best Known Anapaestic ...

The Dactyl

Robert Southey, Byron's Enemy ...

The Mallossus And Tribrach

The Amphibrach

The Amphimesa

Quaternery Feet

Poetry Excercise 5

Anglo Saxon Attitudes

Alliterative Principle

Modern Poets, By Which I Mean ...

Poetry Excercise 6

Sprung Rhythm

The Manor Was Designed ...

All Of Which Demontrates ...

There Are Two Kingdoms ...

Bridge's Daughter ...

Poetry Excercise 7

Lesson For A Boy


The Basic Categories Of Rhyme

Partial Rhymes

Now Let Us Turn To Another ...

There Is A Third Kind Of ...

Wrenched Rhyme

Forcing A Rhyme

Feminine And Triple Rhymes

Rich Rhyme

Rhyming Arrangements

Cross Rhyming

Good And Bad Rhyme

A Thought Experiment

William McGonagall

Gone Wrong

Gerard Manley Hopkins

2nd Disaster Poem


Memorials To Failure

Rhyming Practice

Poetry Exercise 8

Chapter 3 - Form, Stanza

What Is Form?

Ezra Pound

What Then Is The Solution?

Listen To This

Stanzaic Variations



The Rubya

Rhyme Royal

Auden's Reluctance

Spencerian Stanza

Adopting And Adapting

Poetry Exercise 9

The Ballad

A Quatrain ...

Border Ballads

A.E. Houseman's ...

Rural Ballad

Strengths Of The Ballad

Poetry Exercise 10

Heroic Verse

Heroic Verse Is Far From Dead...

Keats Did Not Abandon The Form...

Wilfred Owen's Use Of Rhyming Couplets

Poetry Exercise 11

The Ode

Pindaric Ode

The Lyric Ode

Anachriatics Ode

Dylan Thomas...

Closed Forms

The Villanelle

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Night...

Medieval Mediterranean Pastoral Form

Poetry Exercise 12

The Sestina

Bitch To Explain

Sestinas Are Still Being Written...

It Is Not De Rigeur...

Poetry Exercise 13

The Pantoum

The Ballade

GK Chesterton's 'The ...

One Of The More Successful ...

More Closed Forms

Most Scholars Of The Genre ...

A Variation Exists ...

The First Four Lines ...

So Let Us Now ...

Austin Dobson ...

Swinburne Developed ...




The Kirrielle Need Not ...

Poetry Excercise 14

Comic Verse

The Clerihew

The Limerick

Reflection On Comic And ...

Jonathan Swift

Light Verse


Poetry Excecise 15

Exotic Forms

Borgez Also Experimented ...


Luk Baht


Poetry Excercise 16

The Sonnet

The Structure Of The ...

Here Now Is ...

The Shakespearian Sonnet

Sonnet Variations

There Are Traditions In The ...

There Are Two Very Well ...

Our Second Two Sonnets ...

Poetry Excercise 17

Shaped Verse

I Suppose Rpophessagr ...

I Am Not Here ...

Silly Silly Forms ...

Another Bizzare Form ...

Or There Is This ...

Certain Other Pointless ...

An Even Arsier Form ...


Poetry Excercise 18

Diction And Poetics Today

The Whale

A Cat And The Attic



Commandments That ...

Being Alert To Language

English Is A Language ...

Poetic Vices

Ten Habits Of Successful ...

Getting Noticed

Poetry Today


Further Reading

See video on youtube

By Kyle Larson