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Nightfall (6)

Nightfall started as a project of Slobodan Stošić, artist from Belgrade (Serbia).When he started to search for musicians that would play his project he realised that this won't be an easy task.He and his friend Oliver (bass) tried a lot of people but no one could fit the profile.When Žarko (ex-High Voltage),Max (ex-Acid Rain) and Andrej (Esgharoth) joined, band could finally start presenting music to the world. Nightfall music is a modern melodic progressive metal. Lyrics are on mothertoungue- serbian language, inspired by things like: passing of time, love, music, loneliness.On the year 2005. band published demo "Svi odlaze..." with six songs. For now the band is playing with radio 202 all over the country and the songs are getting a positive response from the crowd. The first big step this band made was with their song "Možda Baš Sada" when they we're number one for the whole week on the prestigious radio 202.Later they almost became 2006. hit of the year but in the final they got outvoted by Iron Maiden fans so they had to settle for a number two spot which is a great result too. The band spent the whole year working hard and all the work finally paid of on the 3rd of august 2007. when they became the winners of "Zaječarska Gitarijada" which is a big traditional demo band contest.With two great shows NightFall finally stepped out on the spotlight and got a chance to show who they are.

By Kyle Larson